4 Reasons Why You Should Be Live Betting

A New Game-Changing Feature: Live Value Betting Live value betting, also known as in-play value betting, refers to the practice of placing bets during a sports event when you believe the odds offered…

Game Analysis Betting Strategy - 8 Step Process to Finding an Edge

There are lots of different ways to make money from sports betting, or, to find an edge in a particular sport. You've probably heard strategies like modeling and steam chasing to gain an edge in…

A Guide to the Best Bookmakers for Trademate Users

On Trademate, you gain access to value betting opportunities on over 100 bookmakers. As a first-time user, you might wonder where to begin and which bookmakers are best suited for starting your…

Top 5 Best Sports Betting Podcasts

If you're a sports bettor and looking to improve your betting, listening to betting podcasts could be a game changer. There's so many great betting podcasts out there hosted by professional sports…

Top 4 Tips for Sports Bettors at Every Level

All sports bettors worldwide are at different stages in their betting journey. Some have been making money from betting for decades, whereas others are placing a couple of bets a week for fun. This…

How to Avoid Getting Limited by Bookmakers

One of the biggest challenges that profitable bettors face is avoiding getting gubbed or restricted by bookmakers. Gubbing occurs when a bookie limits your stakes, which can happen when bookmakers…

Why Accumulators Can Be Your Best Friends and Your Worst Enemies in Betting

Accumulators, also known as accas, parlays, or multis, are a popular form of betting where multiple selections are combined into a single wager. Each selection must win for the accumulator to pay out…

Why You Should Stop Arbitrage Betting and Start Value Betting

Arbitrage betting, also known as arbing or sure betting and value betting or +EV betting are two profitable strategies in betting. Arbitrage betting involves placing bets on all outcomes of an event…

Bet365 - A Trademate Sports 2023 Review

Bet365 is the world's largest bookmaker and has been operating for over 20 years. Recently, we’ve had our customers at Trademate Sports ask vital questions about Bet365, like what it’s like to bet on…

#2: What is it like being a Sports Trader? | Interviews with Trademate Sports Customers

WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE IN SPORTS TRADING? I was interested in sports betting from the first time I heard about it as an investment. Before Trademate I bought tips from a tipster directly, but overall…

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